KeePass 2 und KeeFox unter Linux nutzen

Da ich größtenteils auf Linux umgestiegen bin, möchte ich natürlich vorher installierte Anwendungen bzw. Funktionen die mir das Leben unter Windows leichter gemacht haben hier auch nutzen.
Eine dieser Annehmlichkeiten war, dass automatische ausfüllen von Benutzernamen und Kennwörter aus der KeePass Datenbank in FireFox.
Wer versucht das KeeFox PlugIn in KeePass manuell zu laufen zu bringen wird scheitern. Glücklicherweise hat der KeeFox Entwickler luckyrat auf GitHub ein Tutorial hierzu veröffentliche. Getestet wurde es von mir unter Linux Mint 16 Cinnamon und Xfce.

Das Tutorial lege ich hier mal als Mirror ab. Copyright luckyrat@github

Install KeePass 2

KeePass 2 is available as the keepass2 package. KeeFox requires version 2.19 or higher.

For Ubuntu Precise, the packaged version is too old, so you must first add the KeePass 2 PPA. Add ppa:jtaylor/keepass to the software sources, either through the GUI or by running

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jtaylor/keepass

In Ubuntu Quantal or later, and Debian Wheezy or later, simply install the package from the repositories:

sudo apt-get install keepass2

You probably also need to install the Mono compilers:

sudo apt-get install mono-complete

Install the Firefox extension

You can use the PPA kindly provided by David Lechner, or you can install it manually.

Install KeeFox and KeePassRPC using the PPA

  1. Open a terminal window
  2. Type the following commands:
    sudo apt-add-repository ppa:dlech/keepass2-plugins
    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install xul-ext-keefox

Install KeeFox manually

Install the KeeFox Firefox extension the usual way (using the link provided).

Install the KeePassRPC plugin

To communicate with KeePass, KeeFox uses the KeePassRPC plugin.

If you used the PPA, KeePassRPC will be installed automatically as a dependency of the xul-ext-keefox package. You don’t need to do anything here.

Install KeePassRPC manually

The Firefox extension saves the KeePassRPC plugin to your Firefox profile directory, but you will need to install it manually:

  1. Create the KeePass plugins directory: sudo mkdir /usr/lib/keepass2/plugins
  2. Locate the KeePassRPC.plgx file in your Firefox profile directory (by default ~/.mozilla/firefox/[randomstring].default/), under /extensions/keefox@chris.tomlinson/deps/. Chdir to this directory, and install it using
     sudo cp 'KeePassRPC.plgx' '/usr/lib/keepass2/plugins/'

Finalize the installation (for both methods)

Start keepass2 (it should show a dialog while it processes the new plugin) and restart Firefox if you have not already. A dialog should pop up prompting you to authorize KeeFox.

Install the Thunderbird extension

If you want to use KeeFox in Thunderbird, do so now.

Or if you are using the PPA:

sudo apt-get install xul-ext-keebird